New Political Party - Is It The Answer?
You may not have heard this yet but a new political party has formed.
Called Unity08, it’s the brainchild of some savvy political operators who served in past presidential administrations, both Republican and Democrat. They are concerned about the divisive state of our national politics. They feel our existing two parties are not dealing with the problems confronting our country. Using their organizational talents, they plan to mount a serious challenge for the Presidency in 2008.
The presidential nomination process will be grassroots. In other words, you can vote for the candidates! Unity08’s nominating process will be conducted on the Internet sometime in mid-2008. They anticipate up to 20 million Americans will participate.
Although their platform is far from being set in stone (you can go to their web site and propose issues to be addressed), one thing they say is for sure; the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates must either come from different political parties. Or they will be ‘independents’ running in ‘unity’ with candidates from the other parties.
The timing could be right. Polls indicate that the fastest growing affiliation by registered voters is ‘Independent.’ That means that most of us aren’t buying the crap the Republicans and Democrats are feeding us. We want to think for ourselves. We’re disgusted with what’s going on. We feel as though no one is listening to us. Unity08 could be one way to make ourselves heard.
Some might say that third party presidential runs are never successful. It didn’t work for Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘Bull Moose’ party at the turn of the last century. It didn’t work for a guy named John Anderson in the early nineteen eighties, and it didn’t work for Ross Perot in 1991. The last time it did work was when this country was facing a serious issue that divided it. That was slavery. It was instrumental in the founding of the Republican Party. Abraham Lincoln was elected President.
Are we facing such a serious issue now? Let’s face it. Our plight as average Americans is getting worse. We are slaves to a global energy system based on oil. Powerful interests are influencing our daily lives, flooding our country with low cost illegal immigrants, making us pay more for healthcare than any other country, and shipping many of our industries overseas.
Congress is passing legislation that encourages this. The administration is making decisions that seem to go against our best interests. (How about the Dubai ports deal?)
As this happens, more of us have become disaffected with our leadership in Congress and The White House. Decisions are being made without our consent, decisions that not only do not benefit us, but decisions that actually do us harm. More and more of us are realizing that. More and more of us want nothing to do with either major political party.
The first hurdle for Unity08 will be getting someone from a third party elected in the first place. Then the challenges become even more difficult. It will be the fight against the lobbyists and their big money interests who own Congress and The White House. They are the ones who are stealing our American heritage and selling it to a one world, so-called ‘free market’ system that is destroying the American Middle Class.
Once elected, can anyone from any political party fight the Washington system—the lobbyists,the campaign contributors, and a system that provides office holders so many benefits they will do anything to keep their jobs? That remains to be seen.
But things have got to change. If they don’t, all our kids have to learn in school is how to say, “Do you want to super-size that?”
You can find out more about Unity08 at .
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