Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pagan Moon

Some of have heard that I wrote a book. It’s a mystery/thriller with a supernatural undercurrent. It’s called Pagan Moon. Some of you have read it. Most who have read Pagan Moon have liked it. Some thought it would make a great movie.

But you won’t find Pagan Moon in traditional book stores. Now you can order it through a book store, but you’d end up paying more than you would for a traditional trade paperback. That’s why I’ve never encouraged interested parties to go that route.

Most people have asked if they can buy the book from me. Sure you can, and that’s okay, except that I have to order it from the publisher. Then I charge its listed price plus my shipping cost ($15.00). And I don’t take credit cards. But I thought if anyone on this list is interested, you can go directly to the publisher and buy Pagan Moon there for about the same price I’d ask for it. That would save you about 35% from what you’d pay at Barnes & Noble or Amazon. That’s the best deal and it’s priced right ($12.95 plus shipping). And they take credit cards!

Here’s the link to Pagan Moon at the publisher’s site:

Future Plans (for those who are interested):

I’ve completed 2 more books as follow-ups to Pagan Moon. Neither has been published since I’d have to make a certain investment to make them available. I’m considering doing so if I can increase Pagan Moon’s readership. So if you’ve read Pagan Moon, and liked it, I’d appreciate it if you’d recommend it to someone you know who enjoys reading. Increased sales will encourage me to publish the other two books.

And since several people have mentioned that it would make a great movie, I’ve started sending Pagan Moon out to a select group of Hollywood production companies. I plan to continue doing so during the next twelve months. It’s a long shot, but who knows? Maybe I can get someone interested. I’ll keep you posted.

So if you’ve read this far, I hope you don’t feel this is shameless self-promotion. If you’re not an avid reader, there’s no sense for you to buy Pagan Moon. If, on the other hand, you are, or know someone who is, and you’ve gotten tired of the ordinary, maybe you’d want to give Pagan Moon a shot.

And thanks for reading this shameless self-promotion.

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