Sunday, October 08, 2006

Scary Stuff - Our Chance to Fight Back

Anyone paying attention to this blog knows it’s about the problems we face as Middle Class Americans. If we don’t pay attention to what’s going on, we could become an endangered species.

We’ve identified the culprits; money-corrupted politicians, greedy corporations, their army of lobbyists, the looming energy crisis, and the out-of-control spiral in healthcare costs … All seem aligned against our survival—you, me and our families.

There are several things we can do to take action.

Some will be hard to do. Many won’t like to hear it, but we’ve got to start looking out for our future and those of our children.

The oil won’t last forever. If your vehicle isn’t getting more than 25 MPG, sell it. Invest in energy saving features for your home.

When you go shopping, try to buy things that are Made in the U.S.A. This may be the most difficult thing on this list. You’ll surely pay more for it, but you’ll be supporting another American family. Just like yours. If someone in that family loses a job, it won’t be long before you’ll lose yours, too.

If you’ve got money to invest, investigate those corporations or mutual funds you already own, or are considering. Most are eliminating their commitment to American workers. They do that because we, as investors, demand that they steadily increase their bottom lines. This might be naïve, but if we voted with our investment dollars, maybe we’d keep more jobs in America.

The final thing you can do is less than 30 days away. Vote!

Many of the problems we face can be attacked through enlightened legislation. That means incentives to companies to keep jobs here, blocking the unfair trade advantages we’ve given to foreign countries, seizing control of the healthcare industry, and promoting an energy policy that will make us energy independent in 15 years.

Can the existing Congress do it? The mess we’re in is because many of our elected representatives have been bought and sold by the special interests that care nothing for the good of our country. Money and politics have become so cynical, the system so corrupt, that the only way to start over is to do it from scratch.

The only voice we have today is the ballot. If you aren’t registered, you've got no one to blame but yourself.

Election Day is November 7. That’s a Tuesday.

See you at the polls.

If you’d like to contribute to the foregoing, you can comment on this site by becoming a ‘blogger’ or you can e-mail me at

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