Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sealing Our Southern Border - A Simple Solution

I received a terrific e-mail the other day. Here it is:

“A win-win situation. Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border, take the dirt and raise the levies in New Orleans, and then put the Florida alligators into the border moat! Any other problems you’d like me to solve?”

How about that for common wisdom? And that was thought up by someone just like you and me. It wasn’t the product of some Washington ‘think tank.’ It wasn’t developed by some industry lobbyist, nor was it negotiated by some Congressional committee. The author of this gem of a solution just used common sense.

Now let’s figure out who would be against it.

The environmentalists would scream bloody murder that we were defacing the landscape by digging the moat. And how many of God’s creatures would be displaced or have their normal migration routes blocked? They would also protest the mass evacuation of alligators from Florida and the introduction of a ‘non-native species’ on to our Southern border.

Then the ACLU would insinuate itself, claiming that we were committing human rights abuse against the 'illegals’ by creating the “Alligator Barrier.” (Question; What’s worse? Getting eaten or dying of thirst and starvation in the desert?)

And what about diverting the water it would take to fill the moat? Fast growing desert urban sprawls like Phoenix and Las Vegas would lobby against their loss of water from their already water-hungry communities.

And finally, Louisiana politicos would block the delivery of the displaced earth unless they could find a way to get a kickback for each truckload delivered.

I sure liked the simple solution, the commons sense one. The problem is that Special Interests just make life more complicated.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Aliens Taking Over L.A.!

Much of what is circulating around the Internet this week concerns illegal immigration. One such e-mail was sent to me by someone who reads this blog.

While we must all be vigilant and question all ‘facts’ posted on the Internet, the following reportedly appeared in the L.A. Times newspaper. They mostly relate to California where the influx and impact of illegal aliens are pressing hard on that state’s resources.

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L. A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. That’s because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over two thirds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal. That means those births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals who are here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

If all of the above is true, then we should thank God we don’t live in L.A. County.

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

The U.S. Senate - Selling Us Out Again!

They are about to do it again. The U.S. Senate has formulated an Immigration bill that threatens you, your children and this country’s future.

A well-researched study by The Heritage Foundation ( states that the Senate’s bill would allow an estimated 66 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years. That’s one third of our country’s present population! That’s three times as many as are allowed by existing law.

Combined with that, this bill will put 8 to 10 million illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship. But the kicker is that once these former ‘illegals’ become citizens, they have the right by law to bring their parents to live in the U.S.

That may not be a problem if our economy is continued strong. The problem is that fully one half of all illegal immigrants have less than a high school education. They also have a higher level of out-of-wedlock children. That alone will assault our already over-burdened welfare and healthcare systems. And how about welfare and healthcare for grandma and grandpa?

And here’s the final straw—

The Senate voted into that same bill a provision to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on their past illegal employment! You read it right. Illegal aliens will be allowed to collect Social Security benefits even though they obtained their already illegal employment through forged or stolen documents!

How many years have we been hearing about the ‘Crisis in Social Security’? Many of us have been told that there won’t be anything left for us by the time we retire. And now the Senate wants to burden the system further by allowing 10 million illegals to collect on a system in which they’ve been participating fraudulently? A system that we’ve been told is going bankrupt anyway?

Who is writing this legislation? The President of Mexico?

Foreign influences may be only part of it. Some believe that the Democrats are pushing this legislation with the backing of certain labor unions. Their combined goal is to build a political and membership base that has been declining for some years. Others feel that it is the Republicans with the backing of ‘Big Business’ who are pushing this legislation. Their objective is providing corporate America an increasing flow of low cost workers.

Most likely both have some truth. Politics makes strange bedfellows indeed.

So what can we do?

The House of Representatives seems to be our last hope. Many in the House are against what the Senate is trying to do. Many are strong proponents of sealing the border. No legislation can become law if the House and the Senate do not agree. They call that compromise legislation.

I don’t think there should be any compromise on the Senate bill. It should be defeated by the House, torn up, and then burned.

I’m going to e-mail my Congressman and tell him to fight against the Senate bill.

If you feel the same way I do, and want to let others know about this dangerous legislation, feel free to alert your family and friends to this blog ( ).

The future of our country is at stake. We might be the only ones who can do anything about it.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Fires of Political Rage

My part of Florida has been experiencing raging wild fires. They have threatened communities and homes. They have closed down major roads and even portions of I-95. Much of central Florida has been living in a haze of smoke.

This week the rains finally arrived, dousing most of the visible flames. And yet the fires have burned so long that they continue to smolder beneath the surface. If the conditions become right again, it won’t take much to renew the destruction.

A fire of a different sort raged through Pennsylvania this week. It had been smoldering for some time. It occurred in that state’s primary elections. Powerful incumbent politicians were kicked out by the voters. Some had held office for more than twenty years.

These politicians failed to judge the public’s mood, or perhaps they thought they could get away with anything. Discontent over the direction the state was heading created the proper conditions. The event that sparked the fire was a pay raise these ‘public servants’ voted themselves and other government functionaries. Some pay increases were as high as 54%!

How could they be so dumb? How could they be so arrogant?

But we could ask the same questions of our national politicians. Pending immigration legislation could be the spark that creates a fire of political rage in this November’s congressional elections. Those politicians who think the voters want amnesty for illegal aliens could be in for a big surprise. Perhaps in their arrogance they think they can get away with anything.

But there is a fire of discontent smoldering below the surface. Polls indicate that the majority of Americans disagree with the direction the country is taking. Though the economy is reported to be strong, people feel there is something wrong.

Here’s the tinder stoking the fire.

1. Paychecks aren’t going as far as they used to. Energy costs are escalating. Eventually they will raise the cost of everything. That’s inflation.

2. Because of that The Federal Reserve feels forced to raise interest rates. That means those who bought homes with adjustable rate mortgages are being squeezed.

3. With the double digit increases in healthcare costs, employers are being forced to either pass the increases on to their employees, reduce benefits, or cancel coverage altogether.

4. Congress continues to give tax breaks, subsidies and grants to businesses outsourcing American jobs overseas.

There’s no doubt that the fire of discontent is smoldering out here among us. Those politicians who can smell the smoke, and take proper action, just might survive.

Those who don’t smell the smoke, or decide to ignore it, will get burned.

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Congress, Big Business and Illegal Aliens

Recent CBS-New York Times Poll indicated the President’s approval rating at 31%. The same poll indicated the Congress’ approval rating was at 29%.

People are fed up with this country’s leadership. Though there are a number of issues of concern to all of us, my last post, ANSWER Manipulates Illegal Aliens, seemed to strike a responsive chord.

We’re hearing a lot these days about ‘Immigration Reform’ and ‘Border Security.’ My feeling is that most Americans would like to see our borders secured. And yet the Bush administration and a good percentage of Congress appear reluctant to enforce immigration laws that are already on the books.

We might wonder why, but you only have to do a little research and ‘follow the money’ to understand why we’re getting little action from Washington.

Agribusiness employs a large percentage of illegal aliens. Some of this work is backbreaking (vegetable and fruit harvesting). Some of it is dangerous (meat processing). In 2004 Agribusiness contributed $53 million to political campaigns. 71% went to Republicans and 29% went to Democrats. These industries are making substantial profits from these undocumented workers. In 1990 a worker in the meat processing industry made $19/hour. Today that same worker makes $9/hour.

Construction industries also employ a high percentage of these people. That industry contributed $72 million to politicians in 2004, 72% to Republicans and 29% to Democrats. Just this week 80 people working for building subcontractors in Kentucky were arrested by federal immigration authorities. 76 were illegal aliens. 4 were their American supervisors who hired them.

If we arrested more company supervisors and corporate managers, maybe we would eliminate a good part of the problem.

But how can we do that when one of the largest business lobbies, The U. S. Chamber of Commerce, is forming a coalition which includes not only major U.S. corporations but also Canadian and Mexican business interests? That organization spent more than $53 million on federal lobbying in 2004.

Big business wants illegal alien workers. By paying them less and providing minimal
benefits they make more money. To insure their profits, they have bought off many in Congress and most in the U.S. Senate.

In his recent HBO Special, maybe George Carlin said it best.
“You know what they (the owners of this country) want? Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passably accept all the increasingly sh---y jobs with lower pay, longer hours, reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you get to collect it.”

Somehow we’re going to have to figure out a way to challenge these jerks who are willing to sell out our country and the people they represent.

(The above statistical information was accessed from The Center for Responsive Politics. Their web page is .)

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

ANSWER Manipulates Illegal Immigrants

Monday was the nationwide ‘boycott,’ the one promoting illegal immigration into our country. Who is behind this nationwide demonstration? What is their goal? Somebody had to organize this. Somebody had to fund it.

Many of the demonstrators were people making a minimal wage. These people work their tails off in landscaping, food service, housekeeping, construction and food processing jobs. I’m sure most are honest. Most work very hard. But no matter what certain business interests say about their importance to our economy, they are illegal.

What group or groups spread the word, organized these illegals and encouraged them to give up a day of their low-paying jobs to demonstrate and protest?

What do these groups have to gain? It has to be something political, the quest for power. Political power for those who aren’t even citizens? Who were the organizers?

One answer was in the Washington Post. No right wing rag by any means, the paper reported that one of the organizing groups behind the protest was a something called ANSWER. ANSWER stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism. No right wing nut himself,
Lou Dobbs of CNN reported that they are a radical, leftist group. If their cause is correctly described by their name, what do they have to do with the rights of illegal immigrants?
Other that to stir up people who should have no rights of American citizenship anyway?

And the day they picked to protest was interesting, too. Anyone who was brought up during the Cold War knows that the first day of May was traditionally the day in which all Communist regimes celebrated their cause.

I believe in immigration. Legal immigration, that is. My grandparents on my mother’s side came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the last century.

But they did it legally, as have millions of others.

Why should this new group, invading through our Southern border, be any different?

They shouldn’t.

Our border with Mexico presents a grave risk, not only to our economic security, but to our vital National Security interests. By not controlling who is coming across, we don’t who they are. We don’t know what diseases they carry. By letting them invade our country unchecked, could we be encouraging some time bomb to be set off in some future insurrection?

We need to secure our Southern border now.

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