Saturday, August 12, 2006

War on Terror - What's the Solution?

When I went to bed last night I thought my topic would be Joe Lieberman’s defeat in the Connecticut Democratic primary. Whether his support for the war in Iraq is right or wrong, I admire him for the courage of his convictions. Courage is something we see too little of in our daily life, particularly in our politicians.

That not withstanding, this morning I wake up to hear of the terror plot the Brits uncovered. Apparently, Islamic extremists planned to place bombs on trans-Atlantic airliners. I found out the threat hit close to home. Two of my cousins and their families spent four hours on the tarmac at London's Heathrow Airport.

Things seem to be careening out of control. What seemed significant news yesterday is supplanted by something more urgent today.

Significant news items this week:

Israel devastates Lebanon by attacking the terrorist organization Hizbollah. Iran is supplying, supporting and instigating the terrorist movement

Iraq is on the verge of civil war. American troops are in the middle. Iran is stirring the pot through Iraq’s majority Shia population. We’re sending more troops into Baghdad to try to quell the violence.

A recent poll shows that 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of Congress’ performance. Though we usually approve of our own Congressional member, the percentage of us who do has significantly eroded. They should all be very worried.

The President’s approval rating is less than 40%.

But it’s August in Washington. Congress is not in session. Most of them are back in their home districts. Some are taking junkets (most likely paid for by lobbyists). The President is on vacation at his ranch in Texas. The last time everyone was out of Washington like this Katrina hit. Remember what kind of leadership we got from the government then?

Maybe the Iranians, the Iraqis and Al Queda realize this. They know that August is the time to stir things up because nobody’s home in Washington!

I don’t care if the President can run the country from Crawford, Texas. Being in Washington is symbolic.

The government, both Congress and the administration, should be in crisis mode right now. The President should be in the situation room and Congress should be in special session.

We ought to be telling Iraq to get its act together or we’ll just leave the country, level Baghdad, and let them sort out the mess.

Same for Iran. Tell them to cut the crap, or we’ll bomb them back to their glory days of Cyrus the Great. Then they can forget about building a nuclear weapon. They’ll have to threaten us with spears and chariots.

Round up all illegal Muslim immigrants (both here and in Europe) who are attending radical mosques. Deport them back to their home countries.

That’s my opinion. What’s yours?

What do you think we should do about the Middle East and our so-called ‘War on Terror?’

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